The masters of MINI-Z from each region gathered to decide who would become Japan’s No.1 for the 16th KYOSHO MINI-Z Cup Final Championship 2018.
Having qualified from 7 blocks through official MINI-Z races in Hokkaido / Kanto / Chukyo / Kansai / Kyushu and two MINI-Z Meetings held in Kanto & Kyushu, racers were invited to the sacred Nissan Global Headquarters Gallery to contest the Final Championship. As expected for a final, competition was at the highest level in each of the 7 racing classes: Production; FWD; Narrow Touring; Wide Touring; Open; Drift, and Buggy. In addition, the first day featured a special “MINI-Z 40-Minute Endurance Race” to determine Production class representation and the second day featured the “MINI-Z Nissan Fan Class” for women and beginners to join in. The party atmosphere of the 2018 Final Championship was electric! We would like to thank Nissan Motor Co. for providing access to this wonderful venue for many years.