On land, sea, and air, you can enjoy the high-performance control of Kyosho’s radio control model lineup of cars, aircraft, and boats. Either in a kit or pre-assembled ReadySet, the enjoyment and style of every model can be enhanced and extended with optional parts and spare parts for maintenance and repair. With a record of numerous world championship titles, Kyosho is truly the ‘World Champion brand’.
Referred to as ‘Display Models’, the extensive range of historic and modern cars from around the world is centered on the high-quality Kyosho original recreations in various scales. Kyosho also imports models from all over the world and markets “minicars & books” in convenience stores nationwide.
In addition to high-performance radio control and minicar display models, Kyosho has introduced “Kyosho Egg” as a unique toy brand. Infusing innovative toy concepts with Kyosho technology and ideas, Kyosho Egg delivers reasonably priced toy products for the enjoyment of everyone. (Information available in Japanese Only)