Monitor Report 2 [Male, from Hyogo]

I received the Mini-Inferno 09. It's an absolutely amazing machine - thank you very much. It seemed a relatively small package for a Readyset. I could hardly contain my excitement when opening the box. I expected it to be small, but it really is small. Could a machine this size handle the power of a SIRIO engine - one of the most powerful in the world. To be honest, I have never owned or used a KYOSHO kit before. When I opened the body, I was amazed! Compared to the other machine I use that competes against the Inferno, the body of Mini-Inferno was much harder and the body-chassis fit and sophisticated mechanics were significantly better.

On the first day while I was charging the receiver battery I thought "The receiver battery charger is not included so I had to use my own. Most receiver battery chargers are compatible, but even though this is a Readyset, you have to buy one as it is not included". I read the entire manual and inserted the transmitter batteries to check radio function etc. Normally I drive a 1/8 buggy with "S" brand ERG series servos, but the servos included in the 09 set were much faster than I expected. But what about their torque? Anyway I added oil to the air cleaner as per the manual then after adjusting the idle needle, I added fuel and mounted the chassis on the 09 starter and fired up. The chassis fit on the starter was exceptional. Usually you have to line up the flywheel, but anyone can do it on this starter. I knew SIRIO was a high-performance racing engine so expected adjustment to be tricky, but it started without any trouble at all. I restarted many times, the 7.2V battery for the starter didn't have enough charge so stopped turning. I was about to pack up for the day when I noticed my KYOSHO Multi-Starter Box (connects to a 12V car battery). The manual also indicated that I could use this as well. Of course the Readyset includes the 09 starter.

The manual said to run 10 tanks through for break-in so I would hold back on the throttle for today. But...sorry...I opened up after just 4 tanks. I felt guilty for a minute, but then my son and I got so caught up in the incredible speed we were generating. Not only speed, but the great surface tracing gave me the impression on the 1/8 Inferno's stability and control. It easily handled the jumps and there was plenty of torque in the servos - much to my satisfaction. I couldn't take any photos yet, but afterwards I plan to experiment with some setting adjustments. Normally the underside of the chassis is not shown on the net or in catalogs, so I have attached it here. You'll be as amazed as I was by the solid design of the Mini-Inferno 09 compared to the 1/8 chassis.

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